Friday, November 20, 2009

Friday Finds 11/20/2009

Oh goodness my first meme, what a momentous occasion indeed.

Ok, so Friday Finds is a meme hosted over at Should be Reading by MizB and I've seen this meme all over on a bunch of blogs and I have been trying to think of some more exciting things to do besides reviews (although this isn't that much more exciting) so here goes!

Friday Finds

  1. Marked (House of Night book 1)
  2. The Summoning (Darkest Powers Book 1)
  3. Modern Magic by Anne Cordwainer
  4. Lamentation (The Psalms of Isaak book 1) 

SO as you can probably see, these are all the books that I have added to my "To be read" list (over on the right) and you can expect to see all of my new "Friday Finds" over on that list, so if you ever miss out (or you're too lazy to look for the post) then you can just look there!

That's all for now! Keep on reading!

1 comment:

Andrea said...

I have ready Marked (which I loved!) and Modern Magic (which I enjoyed)...and I have The Summoning in my TBR pile!

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