Friday, December 4, 2009

Friday Finds - 2

Friday Finds is a weekly meme hosted by MizB over at Should Be Reading. You post books that you've found during the week and have added to your TBR shelf.

Ok so I realize that I missed last week's Friday Finds because it was the day after thanksgiving, but who can blame me? I mean It's THANKSGIVING for heaven's sake. 

This week I've not so much found "New" books per say, but I've discovered the wonders of 2 new fabulous series that I plan on reading all the way through.


  • Age of Misrule: A fantastic contemporary fantasy series set in a modern day UK, the series tells the story of 5 strangers who discover that, however cliche it is, they are the "5 Brothers and Sisters of Dragons" who are destined to save humanity from the evil Night Walkers called Fomorii.

  • Devices and Desires: While this series leaves much to be desired in the "fantasy" section, it is still a gripping tale of politics, automatons, and warfare that was highly entertaining. I feel obligated to finish this series.

Reviews on the first books in both of these series are soon to come!

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